Gateway 2000 News

Now We Have Two Amiga Companies...

Amiga International is now in charge of sales and marketing, while the newly formed Amiga Inc will look after research and development. It has to be said that these four words have not had a lot in common with the Amiga in the last few years, at least not as far as the 'official' Amiga owners have been concerned, so hopefully this will change!

While Phase 5 and Haage&Partner squabble over who's going to bring the AmigaOS to PowerPC, Amiga Inc are still unsure which CPU should be the Amiga's future...

A deal with Epson should ensure Amiga printer drivers, Amiga sections in the printer manuals, as well as Amiga logos on the packaging - this is an excellent move, and hopefully more deals of a similar nature should follow. All to often do companies happily churn out products with either only PC software, or Mac and PC software, leaving us to rely on some Amiga friendly company to do the job (and if they do, they will charge for it of course).
